Before scheduling an elective abortion procedure, there are important steps you can take to make sure you are protecting your reproductive health. These include lab-quality pregnancy testing, an ultrasound, and STD testing.
1. Lab-Quality Pregnancy Testing
It’s important to first determine if you are pregnant with a lab-quality pregnancy test, especially if you’ve been experiencing common pregnancy symptoms such as a missed period, tender breasts, or even nausea.
At Life Choices Medical we offer this service at no cost. We can also advise you on the best time to take the pregnancy test, because if you take the test too early, you may get a false negative.
2. Ultrasound
A pregnancy test can confirm your pregnancy status, but an ultrasound can give the additional details you need to know, such as:
- Gestational age
- Location of the pregnancy
- Viability
The gestational age of your pregnancy is simply how far along you are. This information is essential to understand whether or not you qualify for a medication abortion, which is only FDA-approved for up to 10 weeks (70 days) of pregnancy. After that time, a surgical abortion might be the recommended procedure.
The location of the pregnancy can confirm whether or not the pregnancy is ectopic, which means it is located outside the uterus. This can be a life-threatening condition if left untreated. If you have an ectopic pregnancy, you may be treated with either medication, laparoscopic surgery, or abdominal surgery. The treatment depends on your symptoms and when the condition is discovered.
It’s also important to know if the pregnancy is still viable and progressing. If you experienced a miscarriage, your pregnancy ended spontaneously. Mayo Clinic estimates this happens in about ten to twenty percent of pregnancies. It’s important to seek medical care to determine if any further action is needed to prevent infection.
We offer no-cost ultrasounds at Life Choices Medical where you can get all of this information and ask questions related to the pregnancy process.
3. STD Testing
Before an abortion, you should be screened and treated for any existing STDs.
Since abortion disturbs the normal barrier created by the cervix, there’s a risk of spreading existing STDs further into the reproductive system during a procedure. This can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can cause lasting damage, chronic pain, and other issues.
Make an Informed Decision
It’s important to make sure your decision is what’s best for you and your situation. Make sure to get pregnancy testing, ultrasound, and STD testing to protect your health.
While we do not refer abortions, we provide a confidential, pressure-free environment where you can receive medically accurate information, learn about local resources, and feel supported as you navigate this journey.
Contact us today to set up your no-cost appointment!